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Archive for February 2012

Guest Post - Boost Confidence and Power Whilst Fighting Cancer through Femininity by Jackie Clark


posted by Sara ♥


*Hey all! Its been a while, sorry about that but Iv got an absolute ton load of assignments all due in this week =/ I'l visit each of your blogs and catch up once I'v handed in all my work =) For today though I hope you will enjoy this slightly different yet nonetheless beautiful guest post kindly written by Jackie Clark who does outreach for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for mesothelioma cancer. Over to you Jackie =]*

Don’t let cancer win with your battle against beauty. Grab your best pair of heels to throw on with a mini skirt or treat yourself to looking fabulous in a dress for a night out. Both looking and feeling beautiful can instantly boost a woman’s self-confidence and make her feel like the goddess she truly is at heart. By incorporating some of these simple beauty and fashion tips you can feel more radiant and healthier than ever. Improving the way you feel emotionally is an important part of your fight against cancer. Add beauty and fashion to your artillery to help you feel empowered before, during and after cancer treatment.

Take Care of Your Skin
Improve your appearance by drinking plenty of water and using appropriate skin moisturizers all over your body and on your face. By staying hydrated and applying lotion daily, it will leave your skin feeling silky smooth and looking sexy. However, if your skin is more on the sensitive side, choose an unscented moisturizer to avoid further irritation. Apply the moisturizer at the beginning and end of the day, if needed, to keep your skin soft and supple.

Skirts and Dresses
It’s no secret that the majority of women would rather throw on a pair of sweatpants to relax and give their body a nice break from school or work clothes. However, instead of grabbing those sweats or reaching for a pair of your favorite jeans, try a soft skirt or comfortable dress will make you feel more beautiful and feminine, while still maintaining your comfort. When you need to head out of the house, add a sweater and scarf to complement your dress or skirt and you'll leave not only looking fabulous but feeling more alive and feminine as well.

Feeling Beautiful at Night
There's nothing like the feeling of silk or satin against your skin. Indulge in a little luxury at night by wearing a pretty nightgown or luxurious pajama set. The feeling of silk or satin will be nice against your skin while allowing your skin to breathe at the same time.

Dealing With Hair Loss Your Way
If you're comfortable wearing a wig or even looking to try something new, buy a few different styles to give you a new incredible look. If a wig bothers you more than helps, try wearing a bold and vibrant headscarf instead to really spark some color and lively up your wardrobe.

Enlist the help of friends and family members in your efforts to look and feel beautiful. Shopping with friends or family members provides you with much-needed social time while giving you the chance to shop for new clothing or skincare products. Be sure to take one small step toward feeling beautiful each day, even if it means just putting on a new necklace. When you take the time to look fashionable and feminine, you'll experience an increase in self-confidence that can serve to help you as you go through treatment for cancers such as mesothelioma.

*Thank you so much Jackie. This was a joy to read through and i'm sure my readers will agree =) I'l talk to you all soon, until then have a wonderful week!*


11 Questions =]


posted by Sara ♥


Hey hey!

Today's post is going to be kinda long, sorry about that but I hope you'l enjoy reading through it =) I was tagged for this 11 Questions tag by the awesome Theodora at Red Hair and Black Nail Polish, yay and thank you for that! =D Btw, everyone NEEDS to visit Theodora's blog, she's super sweet and her nails are beautiful =)

Alright so the rules for this tag are:
- Each person must post 11 facts about themselves on their blog.
- Answer the questions the tagger set to you in their post and create 11 new questions for the         people you tag!
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on your post.
- Go to their blog and tell them you have tagged them.
- You legitimately have to tag 11 people. No tag backs!

Ok so starting off with the 11 facts... =)
1. I am stupidly OBSESSED with The Hunger Games! Lol seriously ever since reading the books and finding out about the movie and the polish collection.... my brain has created a large section in itself dedicated to all things Hunger Games =P 
2. When I was little I was playing tag or something in the playground and somehow ended up crashing really badly into another girl who was also playing. It resulted in a lot of stones in my knee but also a deep cut next to my left eye, which is now visible as a scar.
3. When I was born the nurse used forceps to er deliver me =/ And with them she ended up accidentally snipping off a piece of my right ear. I still have a little groove in the top of my ear which is the missing bit =P
4. My right hand middle finger is bent. Lol it's because of the way I write and the way I hold my pen has over the years pushed against the finger, bending it!
6. I just realised the three facts above are all about flaws in my body! =P
5. I love jackets, blazers and coats and own way too many of each!
6. I'm addicted to lip balms. I keep buying them but at least these are the one thing which I actually use up completely =P Right now on my wishlist are EOS lipbalms.... aren't they so cute??!!!
7. I loathe the smell of petrol.
8. My phone is the LG Viewty, it's baby pink and I love it to death! Even though it's pretty old now and looks like a brick compared to today's modern technological paper thin ones, I don't mind at all =) If I could keep this one for the rest of my life I would!
9. My star sign is Taurus. I enjoy reading my horoscope from time to time but end up mostly peeing myself laughing over how ridiculous it is =P 
10. I love shiny things! Oh and pretty little things... of course ;)
11. Right now i'm wearing teddy bear pj's and sitting on my bed all wrapped up in my blanket =P

Ok now it's time to answer Theodora's 11 questions... =)
1. What are your other hobbies, besides nail polish and doing your nails ?
I enjoy doing anything creative, so sewing clothes, making jewellery, painting... =] Both me and my mum are arty types so we usually do these things together =)
2. What is your favorite nail polish color ?

BLUE! Lol i'm pretty sure anyone who follows this blog already knew that =P
3. What or who started your nail polish addiction/ obsession ?

I honestly don't know! I was inspired by my mum, she had long beautiful nails all the time and kept them polished permanently so I remember copying her from a young age. I'v pretty much been into polish my entire life but I think the addiction really kicked in last year when I discovered blogs and youtuber's constantly showing new awesome polishes that I suddenly needed too!
4. What nail polish trend do you love/hate ?

Lets start of with the hate first.... I HATE the chipped polish trend! Ugh. I don't think I even need to explain why and honestly I could write on about how much I loath it but let's just not even go there =P 
There's many trends that I love but I think my fave has to be mixing matte and glossy nails together. It looks so uber cool and gets compliments every single time =)
5. Do you also paint the nails of others, like friends/family ?

I do if they want me to =P Whenever I have friends or family over and they come to my room, instantly they'r excited to see my polishes and most of the time I do end up painting their nails!
6. Where do you buy most of your nail polish ?

Online =) Mostly ebay but there's other sites too that are amazing.
7. Stamping or freehand Nail Art - what's your favorite ?

I love stamping as it's something I can do easily and don't enjoy freehand as I can never get it right! But I do LOVE seeing other's freehand as the designs are stunning =) 
8. Would you ever give up your entire collection of nail polish ? :D

Omg Theodora what??!! lol =P Hmm well I guess it depends on what I need to give it up for... =P 
9. Where would you like to live ? And why ?

I love living in the UK but sometimes I do wish I was in America because of the sights, the food and of course the shopping =P 
10. What's your best feature ?

I like my arms! They'r longer than average and I enjoy not having to get up to reach for things =P
11. What's your biggest dream ?

To make it into heaven. =]

Ok now for my 11 question's... =)
1. What is your favorite polish you currently own?
2. What is your style, fashion wise?
3. What is the most expensive nail polish/cosmetic you own?
4. What's the craziest thing you'v ever done?
5. Do you prefer brights or nudes or vampy for nails?
6. If you had to change one thing about yourself what would it be and why? 
7. Do you mind if your nails get stained or not?
8. Have you ever had a super embarrassing moment? 
9. Completely random.... can you drive?
10. What is your favorite book or film?
11. Do you have any regrets?

Ok and now to tag people... =) 
This is going to be difficult as I know some have already been tagged before, so i'm sorry if I end up tagging you again! 
The Sneakerette
Something Polished
Paint That Nail
Beauty Shades
Clothes, Cosmetics and Chat
Little Miss Sparkles
Ivana Thinks Pink
Frazzle and Aniploish
Biba's Beauty Corner
Mini Nail Blog

Ok so that's all for today =) I'l be back soon with some new nails to show ya'll =) I hope you enjoyed reading through this post and do let me know if you complete the tag! I'd love to read it =)


Glittery Fun =]


posted by Sara ♥


Hey all =]
Gosh it's been ages! I'm not going to delve into whats happened these past months as id rather forget about it to be honest.... so let's just pretend this huge break never happened shall we? =)

I am sorry about leaving without saying anything and then reappearing out of nowhere again lol, I wish I didn't have to. Anyway i'm back now and hopefully going to stay =P 

Right then, onto my fave topic... NAILS!

Here's a mani I created yesterday using 17's Sea Breeze, OPI's Simmer and Shimmer and some sellotape =)

I absolutely love these two polishes together, in fact I did a mani using the same two before which I posted here =)

I thought i'd end this post by just thanking all of you who have been so kind to me by messaging me these past months, i'm sorry that I worried any of you. It's you guys that I post on this blog for and your sweet words mean the world to me =] Thank you again.

Oh and this might be just a little late but..... Happy New Year! =P


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