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Topshop Cream Blush Collection


posted by Sara ♥


I adore Topshop's cream blush. Its one of the most effortless types of blusher out there - easy to apply, foolproof, looks perfect and lasts all day long. 

There was a time when I used to hate anything cream based, due to the fact I have combo/oily skin which makes anything creamy melt right off my face. =/ Eew.
So when I choose cream products, I make sure they are the kind which dry down to a powder finish, don't look dewy on my skin and are packed with pigment.
Most cream blushers, although pretty and so easy to use, are a no-go for me as they lack the qualities which I need for them to last on my skin.

Topshop however, have perfected their cream blush formula down to a tee, making it ideal for any skin type, but especially oily skin which is usually frightened of creams!

I own 4 altogether and love every single one equally... seriously don't make me choose just one! 
I've owned each one for over a year now, so excuse the grubbiness =) 
Oh and yeah, I lost the box for one of them... *sighs*. Am I the only person who keeps the boxes products come in?! I can't help it... I need to have them!

The ones I have are Head Over Heels (perfect pale peach), Nutmeg (pink toned nude), Pinch (blue toned hot pink) and Neon Rose (gorgeous orange toned pink/coral).

The reason I love these cream blushers over the others I've tried, is because they have a cream-to-powder finish, so they dry down perfectly matte and don't budge throughout the day. The colours are also mega pigmented, so only a tiny bit is needed which blends out like a dream. I use a stippling brush or my fingers to apply, usually depending on how much of a rush i'm in!

Head over Heels 



Neon Rose

The way I apply with a brush is to dab the bristles in the product and then dab onto my cheeks, not swipe. Keep dabbing to build up the colour and then finish by gently sweeping the brush back towards the outer edges of your face.
With fingers, just load a bit onto finger tips and pat onto cheeks. Keep doing this until you get the intensity of blush you like, and then blend outwards by swiping your finger through the colour you've dabbed on.

Swatches: Head over Heels, Nutmeg, Pinch and Neon Rose.

As you can probably tell from this megaton of a post, I seriously love these blushers! Have you ever tried out Topshop makeup? What do you think of it? Do you own any of these shades or did you pick up another one? 
Spill please! =)



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