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Collection 2000 Cream Puff - Fairy Cake and Angel Delight


posted by Sara ♥


Hey everyone!

Apologies for the disappearing act - I've been pretty stressed recently with my Uni workload. Its assignment after assignment and then suddenly the exams are going to start.  So yeah, welcome to the ridiculously intense world of a final year student. Thank God its going to be over soon!

Anyway, I thought today i'd show you all these pretty little matte lip creams from Collection 2000; which me and the rest of the beauty blogging world it seems, are rather fond of.

I bought them a good while ago, right in the middle of all the hype surrounding them. And I have to say, they really are worth the praise.

 Top - Fairy Cake, Bottom - Angel Delight

Fairy Cake is a beautiful coral shade which is super wearable and not too harsh looking. 

Angel Delight is a muted pinky brown shade which again, is very wearable and is a must have for natural looks.

I love the texture of these as they'r matte creams which smooth on easily and are very silicone based so feel like a primer. Soft and velvety. 

I like wearing them over a bit of balm or gloss as alone the colour is heavier and I prefer a slightly glossy look. But whichever way you wear them, they look gorgeous. 
The only thing I personally don't like about these is the smell. Its a toffee/fudge/caramel scent which is not my kind of thing at all! But luckily it doesn't linger, so that's alright I guess =)

I wish they came out with more colours as there are only 4 available at the moment and two of them weren't to my tastes. Its very difficult to find a decent matte lip cream at such a brilliant price (only £2.99 I believe) so a more varied shade range would be very much appreciated.

Have you tried any of these out? Which shades top your list or are they a miss?

Have a wonderful week you lot and I'l catch up with everyone soon! =D



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