Elegant Rose - Working In Background

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Black and Gold


posted by Sara ♥


Hey all! Hope you'r doing well? :)

Recently i'v been extremely busy with catching up with friends and family and also trying to shift my pile of Uni work down so I can get it over and done with and then concentrate on revision for my upcoming exams.
Eeek, time just seems to be zooming past! In just over a month, i'l be finished with Uni altogether! Gosh.

After getting a presentation done and dusted, I decided to reward my hard work with a bit of me-time, and of course, that meant pampering my nails! =D

Here's what I came up with after a bit of umm-ing and aah-ing over what design to do and what colours to use.

Nice and simple, black zebra stripes always win ;) 

I painted my nails in Color Club's Where's the Soiree and then stamped over it in Barry M's Gold Foil. Finally I mattified the whole look using Rimmels Matte Topcoat.

This zebra pattern has got to be my all time favorite stamping design ever! Everywhere I went with this mani, someone stopped me and asked to get a closer look! :)

What are some of your favorite, go-to colours and designs when it comes to nails? 



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