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Archive for October 2011

Gareth Pugh for MAC.... omg check out the nail polishes!!!!!!!


posted by Sara ♥


As soon as my eyes landed on these, I knew I just HAD to share with you guys =] 

A few days ago I was reading one of my fave makeup blogs, Musings of a Muse, and landed on THIS post by her about a new makeup collection by MAC which will be released late November time. This collection looks seriously good and has been co-designed by super cool, artsy and very edgy fashion designer Gareth Pugh. 

Looking at all the pieces I though wow they look awesome but then I saw the nail polishes and my jaw actually dropped! Seriously... but how freaking GORGEOUS do these look??!!

I'v got to admit, I really dislike the triangle print all over the bottles.... they cover up the amazing-ness inside! I'd encourage you to enlarge the pics and drool over that duochrome peeking through.... =P

Check out the rest of the collection on Musings of a Muse. Gareth has also designed some freakishly-abstract-but-seriously-kick-ass looking lashes which you have just got to see!

So what do you think of these? Will you be picking up a fave shade?




posted by Sara ♥


Me = Glitter Fanatic

Short and sweet post today where I'l be showing you one of my fave polishes, Wet and Wild Night Prowl. 


I love these kinds of polishes where the glitter is suspended in a jelly base. They look sooo cool!
This one was just two coats and stayed chip free for a whole week =)

That's all for today peeps, I'l chat to you all soon! Do let me know what you think of glitter-in-jelly polishes, love em or loathe em?


Red and Silver Beauty


posted by Sara ♥


I don't wear red polish a lot. I don't know why, I LOVE it when I'm sporting it and always think why oh why do I not wear it more often! I think it may be because I'm scared of staining which is always a problem with shades like that.... =/
So whenever picking random polishes to wear I usually overlook my red section and move over to the blues and blacks etc. 

Anywho recently I was going off to an event with my mum and cousin and I was going to be wearing a red dress with white and silver details. So I matched my nails with it and obviously had to paint my nails red =]

My pick was the seriously amazing ONE COATER JELLY red in the form of Zoya's Kristi. Oh gosh do I love this polish.....
(click here to see it in an old mani I did a while ago, I show it by itself there.)

I then suddenly caught sight of my OPI Silver Shatter which I received in a swap a while ago by the awesome Shadow and had never used! So I thought why not try it out now =]
Here's the result:

See that tiny chip on my thumb? Well i'm actually shocked its not bigger, since this mani was photographed after a week and half of wear!!!! Yes a whole week and half!!!! Lol

As you can probably tell I LOVE crackle polishes and yes they'v gotten a bit boring now and I probs won't be buying any new ones any time soon, but I want to have as much fun as I can with the ones I already own =]

So what do you think of this mani and about crackle polishes?


Mmmm I Love Strawberries..... =]


posted by Sara ♥


Hey all =] 

Apologies again for my serious lack of posting, I'v just been unbelievably busy lately! Also I have tried catching up on all your awesome posts but if I haven't dropped a comment I'm really sorry and will get down to it soon!

Anyway, onto the nails =]

I'v been leaving my nails kind of plain lately because of the lack of time I'v had to do anything fun to them. So here's some pretty pics of China Glaze's Strawberry Fields which I wore recently. 

Strawberry Fields is a gorgeous almost shocking pink with golden micro shimmers that shine like crazy and make this polish special. 

If I had time I think I would have liked to stamp something over it in black, but hey there's always next time!

I'm writing and scheduling another few posts to be up in the next two days or so, so hopefully you'l be able to look forward to those instead of waiting for me to come back after a few weeks and apologise!

Okies peeps I'm gonna go off and get writing so I'l talk to you all very soon! 

Don't forget to let me know what you think of this polish!

Love ya'll!


New Nail and Beauty Products =D


posted by Sara ♥



For today's post I thought I'd share with you all some newly released or about-to-be-released beauty and nail products which I recently found out about.

First up is a beauty product which got me SUPER excited and I seriously can't wait to share it with you! Its a BB cream by the Boots brand 17 which will be released around November time and seems to actually work like a BB cream! *cough cough Garnier* =P I read about it here. It seems that it will be priced at £6.99 which is a very reasonable price and will be available in two shades, light and medium. I seriously can't wait to try this out! Let me know what you think of this, will you be checking it out? Also what do you guys think of the BB cream hype, are you glad UK brands are coming out with them or do you not really care?

*image credit here*

Next I found out from the lovely Beauty Shades about some newly released nail polishes from 17, and these are very special as they'r magnetic! Man I have always dreamed of owning a magnetic polish since they always seemed to be released in other countries apart from here in the UK! But finally, thanks to Boots 17, we now have an entire set of gorgeous coloured magnetic polishes =D These are priced a tad steeply at £5.99 but I think they'r competing with Nails Inc, so comparing to them these are way cheaper! I'm running down to my local Boots tomorrow to pick up the blue one for myself, so hopefully I'l show you a swatch of that very soon =] Will any of you be getting yourself a bottle or two?

*image credit here*

Next up is the Models Own Beetlejuice Collection of polishes which I'm sure most of you already know about, but I just found out because of my recent absence from the blogosphere! Anyway these bottle pictures left me drooling all over my keyboard and I'm pretty excited for these to be released so I can see if they'r anything like the promo pics and worth buying or not. These won't be released until November and should hopefully be priced at the usual £5.00. What to you think of this collection? Love it or loath it?

*image credit here*

And finally I found out about Barry M releasing two new Nail Effects polishes, but these aren't crackles! These are supposed to be gold and silver foil effect polishes. Sounds to me like uber famous China Glaze's 2030 or Millennium. How cool would it be to get a good gold or silver polish that applies in one coat, dries fast and looks like foil?! Oh and minus the super expensive price tag which China Glaze carries for us girlies living in the UK! These are priced at £3.99 and are available in stores and online now. So here's what they look like and I expect they'l be awesome for stamping with =] Will you be picking either one up?

*image credit here*

So those are some new products which I recently found out about and felt like sharing with you all =] I hope you enjoyed this post and I'l talk to you all soon =]


Update and Pretty Sparkly Duochrome Roses =]


posted by Sara ♥


Hey all! 

I haven't been able to post anything lately because I've been super busy with Uni and other stuff, so I apologise for the total lack of posts =/ Forgive me, please? 
I also haven't even been able to keep up to date with the blogs I follow but I will make sure once I get more time I'l catch up with all your amazing posts i'v missed out on. 

So how come I found time today to post? I'm ill. =( With a massive headache and sore throat and all that other good stuff so I figured since I'm not moving around doing anything I'l pass the time by posting =]

I thought today I'd show you a mani I did a little while ago which I absolutely adore, as it combines some of my fave things together... duochrome, sparkle and roses =]

So firstly I painted my nails in Accessorize's Pink Spice, a beautiful duochrome pinky red colour  which shifts from red to pink to orange to gold. 

Isn't is pretty?! The colour is very foily and soooo much brighter and sparkly in real life.

Next I used the rose design from my giant stamping plate. I stamped it onto my nails with Colour Clubs Where's the Soiree.

I love the way the colour just changes! Like one second its a bright cherry red and next its a super shiny rose gold!

So i'm in love with this mani but I want to know what you think =] Do you own Pink Spice or any of its dupes?

I'l try my best from now on to catch up with everything i'v missed out on and post regularly too since i'l get settled into uni and will have more time on my hands soon. Thank you all for being so supportive and for your uber sweet messages while I was away =] Love you all!


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