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Archive for February 2013



posted by Sara ♥


Hey all!

Sorry for being absent for a while, I'v had zero time lately! Oh and my oral presentation is TOMORROW! =O Eeepers. 

I have a ton load of things to blog about, so will hopefully be blowing up your dashboard soon! =P And I have a lot of catching up to do too, so will be visiting everyone's pages asap!

Take a peek at one of the things I will be sharing with you all oh so very soon:

Yeppp its the stunning Max Factor Fantasy Fire!

I'm in a mega excited/scared/worried mood today and keep shaking like a leaf and having mini spasm attacks for no reason =/ It could be due to the fact that I have my presentation tomorrow and i'm kinda freaked about that, and also that I received some amazing news this morning which had me jumping around like a headless chicken!

That news i'm talking about came from the lovely Miss. Sneakerette when she emailed me letting me know that my end of a swap I did with her reached her this morning! YAY!
If you read my post a while ago where I ranted on about Royal Mail being completely awful and refusing to send out any packages which contained polish, you'l know why i'm so happy to hear this today!
If you want more details on the company that I used to ship my package through, feel free to email me =] I don't want to post about them in case they too end up banning polish containing parcels! 

On a totally different note, check out the last slide of my forensics presentation I will be examined on tomorrow:

I thought i'd be a little weird and freak my class out =] The artwork (which is incredible, no?) is by this cool dude over on DeviantArt.

And finally, just because I feel like it, and for being in the most random mood ever today... 



Highlighter Neon


posted by Sara ♥


I have had the busiest week ever, and the one day I got to be lazy and chill out was the day I decided to become ill =/ Awesome.

Anyway, to cheer myself up I painted my nails in this freaking hot neon yellow by Colour Club called Get your Lem-On (such a cheesy name but I love it!) =]

These pictures don't show this colours true brightness as my camera always freaks out with neons. Imagine it being a true highlighter yellow with neon green shimmer running throughout. That's what its like IRL.
Also this one is scented and smelt like sugary sweet lemons, which was nice but definitely not good when suffering with a horrid headache =/ Ah well, I'l remember that for the next time I decide to wear it!

Hope you've all had a fabulous week? I have a crap load of assignments due in so very soon and an oral presentation next week which i'm terrified about but I hope you all have a wonderful and much less stressful week than me!!

Talk soon =D


Maybelline Colour Tattoos - I think I might just have found my new best friends...


posted by Sara ♥


Supp dawgs.

Sorry, really. I'v just been addicted to repeating those Xhibit Yo Dawg meme's out loud over and over again. My favorite ones? Check it out cha - 

Repeating the last one at my brothers face annoys him like nothing else! I just love the look I get every time I spit it out mega fast. No stuttering - Result!

Moving swiftly on though... today I wanted to share with you the super duper hyped about Maybelline Colour Tattoo 24 hr Cream Gel Shadow. These are something I was NOT interested in at all when they first came about.
I have trust issues with cream eye shadows. They love to crease on me no matter how long lasting they claim to be. So I never go near them.
In fact, it took me a good while to believe that these were worth trying out... so much so I bought my first two just a week ago.

(Oh and yes, my watermark has changed. In honor of my new blog name I thought it was about time I changed it.)

I decided to try out On and On Bronze and Permanent Taupe. After a week straight of sporting just these alone on my lids, I feel like they are my bestest friends ever - the only two who never let me down, come rain or shine, they'l stick with me through it all. My God, doesn't that sound soppy?!

But its true!!! People, listen to me when I scream at you that you need these in your life!! 

I hardly ever have time to spend lots of hours on my makeup in the mornings, and am usually a rushed concealer, powder, mascara out-the-door kind of girl. These shadows are just so effortless to put on that I can easily slick them on and go quickly, without worrying that they'l be a mess by the middle of the day.

Its a miracle. A cream shadow that doesn't crease on me. Holy mother of... omgoodness i'm just in love.

Let me know if you agree, or even disagree! =)


We like black white, big striped, polka dotted...


posted by Sara ♥


... cafe latte, presents come in many sizes, wrap 'em up in ribbons, huh!

Going a little crazy again.... my sincerest apologies to you innocent people who stumble across my blog expecting it to be nothing but a humble little corner dedicated to beauty ramblings.... Sorry that I keep freaking you out with my complete insanity.

Buttt... If you're completely mental like me, or don't mind my loopy brain, hows about you follow me on Twitter and Pinterest?? We can rant for days on end and lust after stupidly expensive rubbish together. And also talk about normal things too. :) *hugs*

So whats all this Gaga-ing about? That particular song inspired this:

I used Color Clubs Blushing Rose topped off with Ninja Polish Sticks 'n Stones on all the nails apart from my ring finger one, which is stamped with a bow using MUA's black and finished off with a clear rhinestone.

I loved wearing this mani, it was so insanely eye-catching! Plus, that glitter is so lush I have to force myself not to top it over every single polish I wear!

I'd love to hear what you think of this design? Also, I can't wait to meet you on Twitter and Pinterest! :) 

Much love


Intense Kisses by MUA - Sealed with a kiss


posted by Sara ♥


Uh oh. More MUA!

This time its this gorgeous gloss, which as the name implies, is seriously intense! This little gloss packs mega pigmentation and shine for a pout to be proud of.

I bought the shade Sealed with a Kiss - a fleshy nude with pink tones to it. Its one of those colours that might not suit everyone and has the tendency to make you look a little washed out. So deeper skinned lovelies, beware.

In terms of the gloss quality, its pretty decent. Not too sticky or gloopy, just right. It glides on easily with the applicator, but because of the colour it needs a little smoothing over with a brush or finger or uneven lines do show through.

Overall, I do like this gloss but don't reach for it often as the shade, although mega pretty in the bottle, just doesn't work for me as much as I'd like it to. If i'm ever sporting a super dark smokey eye, then this is what i'l wear on my lips, but only sheered out. Other than then, I don't think this is going to be an everyday essential.

Do you like colours like this? How do you wear them?


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