Elegant Rose - Working In Background

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Highlighter Neon


posted by Sara ♥


I have had the busiest week ever, and the one day I got to be lazy and chill out was the day I decided to become ill =/ Awesome.

Anyway, to cheer myself up I painted my nails in this freaking hot neon yellow by Colour Club called Get your Lem-On (such a cheesy name but I love it!) =]

These pictures don't show this colours true brightness as my camera always freaks out with neons. Imagine it being a true highlighter yellow with neon green shimmer running throughout. That's what its like IRL.
Also this one is scented and smelt like sugary sweet lemons, which was nice but definitely not good when suffering with a horrid headache =/ Ah well, I'l remember that for the next time I decide to wear it!

Hope you've all had a fabulous week? I have a crap load of assignments due in so very soon and an oral presentation next week which i'm terrified about but I hope you all have a wonderful and much less stressful week than me!!

Talk soon =D



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