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Archive for March 2011

Mummy's Prezzie =)


posted by Sara ♥



Mothers Day is almost here and I thought i'd share with you what I decided to buy my mum this year =)
I spent ages and ages thinking about what to get her and couldn't think of anything lol but I stepped into Debenhams and found this little beauty:

Hehe bet your wondering whats inside it??!! Well..... take a look =P

Its this absolutely beautiful multi faceted purple beaded bracelet =) Isn't it pretty? And do you know what makes it even prettier??.... The price tag lol! This awesomeness was reduced down from £25.00 to only £12.50!!!!! Amazing right?! Considering that there's nothing even wrong with the bracelet...like no missing stones or anything! =)

Some more pictures =)

And then afterwards I walked into Superdrug in search of basics when I spotted the fragrance section and wandered over to it. I picked up the tester for Britney Spears Radiance because the bottle looks soooo pretty and when I smelled it I fell in love with it! Lol so just HAD to buy it! Then I decided to give it to my mum along with the bracelet =)

I'l show you pics of the bottle once my mum opens up the packaging lol cos its all sealed up at the moment.

So have you bought anything nice for your mum?? I'd love to know what you decided to get =)




posted by Sara ♥


I've been dying over getting a flakie nail polish since forever and so when the lovely Rachel sent one to me as part of the swap we did I was sooo happy to finally own one =)

Btw...i'v been really ill lately and some of these pictures might be a little blurry....I just couldn't tell the difference lol! And I haven't managed to clean up either =S 

Anyways this is the mani I created, firstly using Technic's Jet Black as the base. 

Then to this I added the Love and Beauty Light Green flakies:

Eeew bad bad picture lol! But the actual effect I like =)

The flakies don't change in colour much...they do however go brighter or dimmer in different lighting.

After a while I decided to add a matte top coat to it just for fun =) I used Claire's matte top coat and this pic shows the difference it made.

And here's the finished mani:

Then after these pics I was putting the camera away and two of my fingers caught the edge of my shelf and dented it sooo bad! So er....I was too lazy to do those two nails again and um took the whole thing off.... =S


Lol lemme know what you think of this? Is is cool or plain icky?? =P  I really wish that the flakie polish had more flakies in it and less fine green glitter but do you guys like it the way it is??




posted by Sara ♥


I'm soooo excited to be hosting my first ever blog giveaway!!!!!! =) This is in celebration of gaining 50 followers! Yay! =)

Ok peeps these are the goods you could get your hands on (all are brand new and all purchased by me) =D

  • A Simply Gorgeous jeweled pocket mirror
  • A Body Collection Vanilla lip balm
  • A pack of glittery Magi-Lashes 
  • Two cute pink toe separators
  • A cool 4 sided buffer block
  • A super sweet Hello Kitty cherry body butter
  • A pack of Nail Art glittery nail transfers
  • A NYC Pencil and Pout lip gloss 
  • A double ended Barry M lip/eye pencil
  • A MUA hot pink glitter eye liner
  • A MUA shiny pearly white lip gloss
  • Selection of 6 nail polishes; 

  1. NYC Midnight Amethyst (gorgeous deep purple/blue shimmer)
  2. NYC Spring Street (the brightest orange around!)
  3. Barry M Dusky Mauve (highly sought after taupe/mauve colour and so in season)
  4. Rimmel Lasting Finish Forest (the coolest metallic green)
  5. Red Herring (very pretty deep peachy shade)
  6. MUA Shade 4 (cream coral-isious beauty)
Here's more pictures of the beauties one of you could have winging your way:

So want the chance to own all of this??  Enter after reading the rules below =)

The compulsory rules are:

  • Be a Public Follower please!!!!!!! (Of course new followers are welcome) =)
  • Leave a comment below stating your GFC Follower name and your email address (So that I can contact you if you are the lucky winner)
  • Also tell me what your favourite type of nail polish is....eg. holographic, cream, matte etc.
These will get you ONE entry. To get extra entries complete the below:
  • Write a blog post about this giveaway using the 1st picture (leave the link along with the rest of your comment please) - 5 extra entries
  • Link this giveaway in a side bar on your page (leave the link along with the rest of your comment please) - 3 extra entries
Oh and yes... this is open internationally!

The giveaway will close on Sunday May 1st at Midnight GMT. I will announce the winner within the week after the closing date and they will be contacted via email. If a winner does not respond within 48 hours I'l have to choose another winner. 


Glittery Crackly Fun =)


posted by Sara ♥


This mani was sooo much fun to do and super duper easy too =) 

Let's get straight to the pics shall we (Btw...please click on the photos to enlarge so you can see all the glittery goodness in its full glory) =P

The polishes I used were MEMEME Platinum, OPI Shimmer and Simmer, and Barry M Nail Effects :

Okay so now i'm gonna show you the stages, in pictures, of how I created this mani...starting with a base of MEMEME's Platinum polish which is a super shiny silver with micro flecks of glitter:

I know it looks kinda gold in my photos but thats because of the lighting in my room the evening I did this. Anyway after this dried I topped it with a coat of OPI Simmer and Shimmer =) 

Haha I love it! Soo super sparkley and shiny and colourful! And for the fun of it here's a picture of a close-up of the awesome multi coloured glitters:

Doesn't that look pretty?? =)
Next up it was time for the Barry M black crackle which comes out matte:

Look at the difference shiny top coat makes...at the moment its only on my ring finger nail:

Annd noww here's the finished effect:

Cooool huh?! Lol I ♥ it! =) Because these pictures were taken the night I did this mani and the lighting is all odd I took more pics the next day in natural light as it looks better lol =)  Oh and i'd also managed to clean up too! =P

Sorry about the masses of photos lol hope you guys liked this mani =) Tell me what you think of it =D


Eww....stamping FAIL =(


posted by Sara ♥


This could have looked soo awesome if I had just waited abut 5 mins longer before putting on some topcoat. Grrrr....

Lol anyways....these are the terrible pictures:

Oh well.... =S

The polishes I used were China Glaze For Audrey and Colour Clubs Where's the Soiree?

Thats it for today peeps...i'm off to write up a practical report on cellular chemistry and genetics =S Lol


Lets play 'Spot the Difference'... =P


posted by Sara ♥


Hey dolls =)

So have any of you been scammed by ebay sellers claiming a designer product is real yet when you get tempted to buy it and it arrives at your door and your hearts beating like crazy cos your so happy and then you rip open the packaging only to find that the item your staring at is capital F. A. K. E. ??!!!

Lol a little dramatic but hey =P

Anyways....this exact scenario happened to me a little while ago when I decided to search for the awesome Benetint by Benefit on ebay. I saw a seller selling it for a bargain-lisious £6.00 (inc. p and p.) and saw that the picture was showing the real thing so gave in a bought it. Yes people it sounded too good to be true and eventually I found out 2 days later when it arrived that it really was. Grrr. I felt really angry and instantly contacted the seller demanding my money back....and thank god that the seller was good hearted enough to give me a full refund without making me return the item back to them =)

So...on the same day I got the refund I decided to buy the real product and when that arrived I was over the moon lol =P And since I now had both the real and fake versions I thought i'd do a little post about comparing the two side by side just to show you guys how to spot a fake Benetint and also how each one performs against the other =)

Can you tell the difference??...... The one on the left is real and the one on the right is fake.

Here is the real bottle on its own.

And this is the fake bottle on its own. We can tell that the text on the real bottle is evenly spaced out and the 'benefit' written at the bottom of the bottle on the fake one has no line through the f whereas the real one does. Also, the large pink circle which is part of the logo for benetint is so oddly positioned in the fake bottle, even under-lapping the benefit text. Its also more brighter pink that the real bottles circle.  

This photo just shows you the brushes and you can tell that the fake bottle (one on the right) has a pretty spazzed up brush =P As far as the colour goes, the two stains are very similar and no obvious differences can be seen. 

Here I'm holding the two bottles up in front of the sun so the colour can be compared. The fake tint is slightly brighter than the real version, however thats not an accurate statement lol. 

Okay this is the back of the real Benetint bottle. It reads 'The sexiest flush you can get from a bottle. Innocent yet provocative. Our rose tinted cheek stain is see through color that endures it all... even in the thralls of passion. To use: Apply three dots to the apples of your cheeks and blend quickly with fingertip.'

Now this is the back of the fake bottle and it reads: 'the sexiest flush you can get from a bettle. Innecent yet prevocative. Our rose tinten cheek stain in ee through color that endures it all... Eve in the thral, of passion To use: pply three dos to the apples of our cheeks and blend quickly with fingertip.' And if those spelling mistakes weren't enough to make you realise how terribly fake this is.....the website at the bottom reads 'benefiteesmellles.com'. Seriously but what the hell??!!! (Oh and if your wondering...no that site doesn't exist! Yes I really did search for it on the internet!!)

This photo shows that the bottom of the bottles are very different, with the real Benetint having a thick glass base and the fake bottle having hardly a base at all. Although this does mean that the fake bottle contains more stain! =P

This is what happens to the lid when the fake Benetint is accidentally tilted =S Also when this one arrived the tint was seeping through the bottle and had leaked all over the envelope! Yuck =P

Ohkay....so thats the physical comparisons done....but how about the performance of each product? Is it really worth splashing out extra cash for the real thing? 
Well.....the answer to that is yes and no. Let me explain....
The real tint smells like pretty roses, as does the fake one. The real one and the fake one also look very similar (as in the actual product does). But...once applied to the face, the real tint goes on softly and the colour is very natural. The fake one on the other hand goes on much darker and stands out way more. You need to apply at least twice the amount of the real version to achieve the same amount of colour as the fake one gives in one go. This can be an advantage or disadvantage for some. For me its an advantage when i'm applying it to my lips but a disadvantage when applying to my cheeks as I like to build up the colour when using it as a blush. 
Staying power is extremely good for the fake product; it lasts literally forever and even when I splashed my face with water (I do this several times a day because it freshens me up lol) and patted dry with a towel, the tint was still just as visible as before. On my lips the tint lasted just as well and there was absolutely no fading from near the middle of my lips by the end of the day which is super amazing! The real Benetint didn't last as well and when I washed my face it wore off fairly quickly. Without washing however it lasted for a good few hours but still not as good as the fake one did. On my lips it faded pretty fast and the colour slipped from the middle of my lips.
The last thing about the two products which I found made the real Benetint better was that it tastes much much better than the fake one. I've heard loads of people say how the Benetint tastes bitter and nasty, but trust me, once you've tasted the fake one the real one will suddenly taste like sugar =P Yep thats how bad the fake one tastes! Lol =P

So if you don't want to spend loads of money on the real thing I suggest that the fake version is a pretty good lip and cheek stain that lasts really well and does the job. But of course it does have its bad points and another thing which I didn't mention before was how the fake one's ingredients may differ from the real one, perhaps in a bad way? And who knows if the fake product has been tested on animals? 

Okies guys thats all for today lol i'm really sorry if my loooong essay has kinda freaked you lot out =P I'm off to bed now =)


My First Ever Tape Mani =)


posted by Sara ♥


Hey hey peeps!!! =)

I actually did this mani last week but since I'v been so busy I couldn't post it. Anyhoo yesterday I was looking at Chloe's blog and saw that she'd posted another one of her tape mani's and OMG its like almost exactly the same as the one I created!!!! LOL! I was definitely inspired by her tape mani's but I made mine as I did as it was one that I hadn't seen on her blog before... lol! haha never mind =) If you want to see her one click here: http://chloesnails.blogspot.com/2011/03/this-trumps-your-double-rainbow.html

So onto the piccy's: 

The polishes that I used were Zoya Dannii and Collection 2000 Shameless: To cut my tape I used some pinking shears that have zig-zag edges.

So what did you think of this mani??


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! =D


posted by Sara ♥


So today I woke up and checked my blog (as I do every morning =P) and realised that I have 51 amazing followers!!! OMG! Lol I only started blogging about a month and a half ago and already i'm up to this many followers so I thought i'd just say a massive thank you to all for appreciating my blog enough to follow me! =)

I thought I would also let you guys know that I promised myself that as soon as I reach 50 followers I would have a giveaway!!!!! =) Yay! =D

So as soon as I finish my work for uni that i'm literally sunk in at the mo....I'l give ya'l the details of the prizes you could get your hands on! 

And THANKS again =) Thank you for visiting my blog and looking around and thank you for reading all the random things I write about and thank you for taking your time out to drop me a comment =) Never fails to put a smile on my face! =D

Hugs and kisses


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