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Archive for May 2011

The cutest thing EVER??!!!!


posted by Sara ♥


I have an exam tomorrow so i'v been revising like a mad woman lol but I just had to share this...

Aaaagh!!!! I have no words for this apart from CUTE!!!!!


Holographic Glitter?! Yes Please!


posted by Sara ♥


I'v been wanting a holographic glitter polish for absolutely ages but never actually got round to buying one. The one I had been lusting after is by Models Own called Juicy Jules. I don't know why I didn't just pick it up every time I drooled over it in Boots... but now I know why...

I already had a similar polish at home! "Really? I didn't know that!" Well by similar I mean the polish is holographic and glittery.... but its not really practical =S "Er what are you on about??" Its a cheapo ebay one that comes with a striper brush. "Oh..." 
But I have an idea to make it into a proper polish!

Lol okay enough with talking to myself! =P I'm going to take you guys through my mani and later on you'l see what my brilliant (or at least I think so =P) idea was =)

Firstly I started off by painting my nails in a solid silver colour by MEMEME called Platinum. This was one coat of polish =)

Now comes my um... super idea =P I took the ebay striper polish and an empty random bottle of polish. And I swapped their brushes around! Genius huh?! (Or maybe your reading this and just laughing at me....) =P

Here's the empty random with a normal brush in it. (Yes I took these pics after I'd done my mani thats why you can see glitter all over the brush) =]

And here's a pic of the the striper brush out of the bottle of the ebay polish.

Now the striper is inside the empty random bottle so that it doesn't dry out and become unusable

And this is the normal brush from the empty bottle that I used to apply the ebay holo glitter polish with =)

Right so here's what my nails looked like after adding one coat of the glittery goodness to them =]

There wasn't any sun at all so the holo wouldn't show up on my camera but trust me it was so much better and sparkley in real life!

And then being me I obviously had to do something more.... so I stamped a necklace design from my giant stamping plate onto my thumb and ring finger nails using Colour Clubs Where's the Soiree and added a rhinestone too like so:

Here's the polishes I used altogether to create this mani:

I hope you liked what I did =) And have any of you also tried using these striper polishes as regular polishes?? Or am I the only freak out here who wants to do that?! =P


Want to win over 10 Sleek eyeshadow palettes??!!


posted by Sara ♥

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Of course you do!!!

Click HERE to enter!

Good luck!

Electric Flakies =]


posted by Sara ♥


*UPDATE* I have added a link to side where you can follow my blog by clicking on it. Blogger is being messed up at the moment so thats why no one can see people's followers. However if you would like to follow me you can do so by clicking the button I'v added ----->

Hey all =)

Today I have for you a super layered combo including flakies!!! Lol let's get straight to it shall we? =P

First off I painted my nails in Accessorize's Electric Blue which is an amazing glass-flecked polish that in real life glows a bright blue with hints of purple flashing throughout =)

Awesome colour right?! I'm officially in love with it =) 
Next I layered this with my Maybelline Colorama flakies in Sonic Sunset. Here's the result of that:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE flakies!!!! Hehe and here's a cute lil gif I made showing the colour change effect the flakies have =) Enjoy!

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So I could have left this mani as it is... but being me I had to do a little something else to it... so I added a matte topcoat =) Here I used Rimmels Lycra Pro Matte Finish:

I reckon that the flakies 'pop' more when mattified lol =P 
Then cos I felt like it... I made another gif =) Aah these are sooo easy to make and so fun! Lol so here's the colour change seen once the mani was mattified and completed:

make a gif

                                                                       Make a gif

My eyes are hurting now. Been staring at this for wayyy too long =S 

Hope you likey =) 


Top 10 Blog Award! Woo hoo!!!! =P And THANK YOU ma lovelies =]


posted by Sara ♥


Before I get to the main award part, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all you amazing people who read my blog! I actually can't believe I have 300 followers already! Awesome! =) You lot always manage to make me happy and I don't think I can thank you all enough... but hey... thank you!!! =]

Alrighty-o, I was given this lovely Top 10 Award by the fabby Nails From Fairy Tale =) Thanks sooo much hun!

Rules are : 
1. Thank for being tagged.
2. Put in the link to the blog of a person who tagged you.
3. Put on your blog the logo Top 10 Award
4. Choose 10 bloggers to be tagged by you.
5. Put links to their blogs.
6. Inform them about it.
7. Create the list of your top 10 cosmetics.

I'v chosen to pass this award on to these brilliant bloggers (in no particular order =]):

Now for my list of top 10 cosmetics:
  • Carmex Lip Balm (this stuff is what I start my day with and end it with!)
  • Gosh Holographic Nail Polish (my absolutely FAVE nail polish in my collection)
  • Superdrug Tea Tree Cleanser and Toner (Stings a bit um.. I like that =S lol it cleanses amazingly though)
  • LUSH Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter (Ok seriously but who doesn't love this stuff?!)
  • Barry M/ Miss Sporty/ Rimmel Black Kohl Eyepencils (Yes all three lol! I use eye pencil on my waterline every single day and won't ever leave the house without it on. I look like a zombie if I don't wear it! =P)
  • The Body Shop Tea Tree Mask (the bestest face mask EVER!)
  • 17 Shine Control Loose Powder (I don't use this all the time but thats because I don't really like plastering my face in products, however this is soo light and matte and keeps the shine away all day....also super cheap too!)
  • Benefit Benetint (one word - AWESOME!!!)
  • No. 7 Extreme Length Mascara (non-clumping and really really does lengthen my lashes as well as giving them a curl too)
  • Avon Magic X Face Perfector (this is a primer and I love it! I use it on it own and it mattifies the skin and has the most amazing texture to it that makes skin baby soft) 

Thanks for reading and enjoy your award! =D


Never enough crack in ma system.... =P


posted by Sara ♥


Hey beautiful people =)

Excuse the stupid title lol I'm just in a bit of a funky mood today! I had my first exam this morning and i'm just so glad that it's over! =D Got two more to go but theres a few days to go till then...so imma chill today =P

Anyways... I can't wait to show you all this mani that I did which i'm totally in ♥ with =) It was actually hilarious, I opened up blogger and THIS wonderful blog which I follow had up a design soo very similar to mine... but I did this mani like ages ago so I just thought it was funny! I love her design also though =) 

Oh I think i'l also let you guys know that I'v now started adding watermarks to all my pictures due to an incident where sellers on ebay started stealing my pictures and used them to sell their stuff =S I hope it doesn't ruin the picture, but if you think I should somehow make it different please let me know =) 

Okies so firstly I started with a base of 17's Sherbet Lemon which took two coats to get even. Then I took a single strip of scotch tape, cut thinly, and placed it down the middle of my nail. I then used China Glaze's For Audrey and Rimmel's Pop Rose to paint down the sides of my nails that were not covered by the tape. Then working quickly I removed the tape and topped off with topcoat. This was the result of my mani so far:

These pictures were taken in the evening under artificial light. I went to bed after leaving my like this! Next morning I decided to funk it up a bit so added my crackle!

For some reason I thought the design looked better from far away so I took this picture to show just that =) See what I mean? No....? =P

These are the polishes I used for this mani:

Okies lovelies thats all for today =) I'm off now to go and watch some TV.... something I haven't done in what seems like months! =S



OMG I had no idea about this....!!! =S


posted by Sara ♥


Ok so this is going to be a super quick post but basically I just HAD to let you guys know about this!

(Actually maybe most of you already know and i'm the only one to find out just now...)

Lol anyhoo... what i'm on about is THIS:

(Picture is not mine, all credit goes to Makeup and Beauty Blog)

A BRAND NEW BENETINT!!!!!!!!!!!! wowowowowow! 

Aagh just look at it! Its described by Benefit as being a gorgeous mango-tinted lip and cheek stain =) How perfect for the summer?!

Its available in stores and online next month

Did you know about this? Will you be getting it? 

OH and before I forget... I also only just found out about the brilliant new OPI Muppets collection! Thanks to the awesome Beauty Shades for emailing me about it! 

It looks like this:

 (Again, pictures not mine, credit goes to Google Images)

How flaming COOL does that look??!!! The colours... the glitter! Just WOW!

Okies peeps I is off! Chat later and don't forget to let me know what you think of this =) 


I won a giveaway!!! =D Woo! =P And my bloody nails =)


posted by Sara ♥


Hey everyone!!! Hope you're all doing well? =)

I was ecstatic when I found out a few weeks ago that I had won the fab Jen from A Beauty Junkie In London's awesome Witch Skincare Facebook giveaway!!!  Aaah it's my first ever blog giveaway I'v ever won!!! =D

The competition was to name each product in Witch Skincare's brand new cosmetics line. I'm guessing I must have gotten it right =P lol!

The prize was amazing as I got to choose myself what products I wanted... 2 of them being from Witch's skincare line and 2 from their cosmetics line =) 

When the postman arrived today I was literally jumping around with excitement lol! Once i'd calmed down slightly I took these pics =)

I chose the Witch Blemish Pen, Witch Redness Reducing Primer, Witch Oil Control Face Wash and Witch Tinted Moisturiser in shade 02 Medium =)

Here's some close-ups of each product:

I'v tried out the face wash and both moisturisers already and I have to say that I absolutely LOVE them all! 
I was really interested in the Redness Reducing Moisturiser as I saw it in the shops once and decided to smell it (er yea...) and when I opened it I was surprised at how it was green! Then after a little research I realised that green is used in cosmetics to cancel out redness =) Awesome right?! 
Here's swatches of both moisturisers:

Its sooo green! Lol but it blends very easily and the green disappears yet still manages to get rid of all those nasty red areas! One thing though... it smells a little.... funky =P 

I love this! Its perfect for my skin tone and is so lightweight =) Its also oil free which is always a plus!

I'm really happy with everything I chose =) Thank you Jen and Holly from Witch Skincare!!!

Ay't I think its time for some nails now? =P I'm sorry that there's no nail art today... I had like no time at all.... I was frantically trying to finish off an assignment =(

Oh and if you read the title I wrote bloody nails... well thats because this polish reminds of the colour of blood lol =P My camera however has not captured its true colour so it looks bright berry red here.... but I tell you its not!

The polish I used is 17's Fast Finish in Ruby Dazzle =)

This polish is a beautiful jelly with loads of gold shimmers that were wayy more visible in real life. It took two coats for perfection =)

Look at the amazing golden micro-flakie shimmers in the bottle!

Ohkay people I think I'v bombarded you with enough pictures today lol so I'm off, back to booorrring revision again =(

Take care everyone! 


Blogger being weird so um... happy belated birthday nails lol =P


posted by Sara ♥


Hey everyone!

Wow i've missed you guys so much! Its only been a week and a few days but it seemed like forever! =( Lol anyway I promised that I would be back on my birthday, which was yesterday, however blogger was having maintenance issues so I couldn't post anything. 

Anyhoo its back now so yea =) Before I show you my nails here's a couple a' pics of me with my awesome balloon and little cuddly tortoise teddy my brilliant friends gave me lol!

Basically I walked into my uni and met my friends outside the library, where there's a chill out zone with a few sofas and cushions. I started chatting away and kept noticing how my friends constantly kept looking to the side where one sofa had a large pile of cushions placed on it. Kinda odd but what was odder was when I finally decided to properly pay attention to it, I saw a pink envelope with my name over it stuck on top of the pile. I kinda freaked out but went over to it and picked it up, and as I did a cushion fell and suddenly... WOAH... i'm literally smacked in the face by some huge red and silver thing! Lol my friends were actually on the floor peeing themselves laughing! =P  

Aah i'l get them back some day... =P 

I love how in this last pic all you can see is my bro's hairy legs!!! Lol =P 

Right okies, this was the mani which I did =) Its not your typical 'Birthday' mani with cupcakes and candles all over it since I didn't get much time to do any of that, but I still love it =)

I started with a base of No.7's polish called Grey Skies. Its a beautiful deep grey creme polish that dries soooo fast its crazy lol! This was perfection in two coats =)

Then over this I did some stamping using my giant stamping plate with a design thats very similar to a Konad one from their m60 plate. I used MEMEME's polish in Pewter:

So what do you think of this design? Btw, did anyone else have issues with Blogger recently?

Before I go I just want to say a huge THANK YOU  to all my beautiful followers and readers =) It makes me so happy and means so much to me that you lovelies like reading through my little blog! =) So here's a pic I took specially for you guys:


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